Our Comics

Here it is: your one-stop-shop for our favorite comic stories since the invention of sliced bread! And no mold! I've been doing this storytelling thing for 20+ years as a hired wrist, and during that time I’ve been cultivating a slew of my own stories, either on my own or with my long time friend and writing partner Dean, and I finally reached a point where I couldn’t stand keeping those stories all to myself any longer. So what are those stories!? Well the main one I’m starting with is:

RECOVERY INCORPORATED - It's the story of Mia Raven, a thief who became a detective who became a thief. She’s a woman born into bad circumstances, escaped those circumstances, but can’t seem to escape her inner character. She learns to make it work for her though, and now makes a fantastic living working freelance for insurance companies recovering stolen items so they don’t have to pay our on expensive policies. Remember the film The Thomas Crown Affair? With Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo? Well take Rene Russo’s character and mix it with Luc Besson’s original tough girl with guns, La Femme Nikita and you’ve got the basic recipe for Mia Raven. Want to see a preview? You can do so here!

I really want to see all of our creations come to life, but I need to make one successful first, so Mia is my girl. If I can get her up and running, we’ll see about moving on to the rest of these fine people. Some of them include:


The UP SIDE Of DOWN - Modern superhero action comedy - Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. Know that saying? Well it's that kind of thing but with a twist. You know how Disney movies always preach believing in yourself and following your dreams? And how things always work out for the hero? This is not one of those stories.

The CHRONICLES Of SIMON BRIZDALE - It’s Indiana Jones meets the Lord of the Rings! Throw in a healthy dose of the humor and wit of Firefly/Serenity and you’ve got the makings of an epic fantasy tale broken into five major story arcs pitting giants, dragons, elves, dwarves, humans, and other races against one another in a bid for dominance in a land called Anish’nava. Unless, of course, you don’t buy into any of that, like Simon doesn’t.

BIMBO - Superhero action adventure satire - Cecilia Bimbolatta is the living definition of a tomboy. She's beautiful, she's tough, and she's about to get in way over her head! This is a very pro-feminism story, but will definitely ruffle some feathers. It questions many of the norms we live by in our society, all in a sexy, action packed Green Lantern/Fight Club type mashup.

ONE - Modern day drama - The story of an up and coming producer in Hollywood who's self-centered, narcissistic world is about to explode. This story has a slight sci-fi angle; it's a quiet story that centers around how we treat each other as human beings. This is the feel-good story of the bunch.

SHODAI’S KATANAS - A long time from now in our very own galaxy comes a sci-fi epic spanning thousands of years. Humanity, in a last, desperate attempt to save itself from extinction, sent its seed to the stars, where several colonies managed to survive and thrive. This is the story of one of them, their samurai like culture, and how a small group of them, being kidnapped by aliens, changed the entire galaxy.

There's at least four of five other stories I've been working on, but this is more than enough to keep me busy until I go blind, get alzheimer, cancer, or some such other fatal thingy, so let’s stick with these for now. Sci-fi, fantasy, action, comedy, drama, even romance - These stories will run the gamut of genres, so there's something here for everyone!

Our Story

LUX Comics is the home of our brand. It's our imprint. It’s where you’ll find the latest news on what’s happening with our comics. If you see our imprint, it lets you know that you're reading a quality comic. It lets you know that it has met my rigorous standards in every way, from the very beginning of the process all the way to the end.

So who am I? Well, my name is Michael Penick. I've been a professional artist, a hired wrist, a pencil monkey, for over 20 years. I've drawn storyboards for television and film, illustration for movies, fortune 500 companies, and drawn comics for Sports IllustratedBoom StudiosDevil's Due and most recently Firaxis and Insight Editions. For more than 25 years I've honed my storytelling skills in both the art and writing departments. I've basically spent the first half of my life creating all kinds of stories that I've started but never finished. The second half of my career, then, will be dedicated to finishing all those stories. And that's why LUX Comics exists: to finally take control of my own destiny, to share the stories that have been burning holes in my brains directly with those who would follow along.

The only other person involved to date is the one, the only, the elusive Dean Deckard. Some wonder if he's real, but the few of you that know still aren't quite sure what to make of him. Is he a replicant? Not sure. He loves telling stories though, and together we keep each other in check, making sure our stories cross their t's and dot their i's. We are better for having each other to make our stories the best they can be. Even if you never meet him, you're better off that he exists. Trust me. My hope is that the team will grow in the near future, once I start getting these books out into the world. I look forward to introducing you to new members as we add them.

In the meantime, sit back, relax, and settle in for a good read. I only say this because these are the comics I want to read. I don’t know any other way to do it - I’ve been daydreaming for decades about the way I’d tell the stories and I just can’t keep them in my head any longer. If I do, I feel like a large part of my life will have been wasted.

If you like what you read and you want us to be able to keep them coming, consider supporting out efforts on Kickstarter. The first issue of Recovery Incorporated was a big success there and we're about to follow that up with The Sequential Adventurist, a regular publication with three ongoing stories inside each issue. Meanwhile, I'm about to relaunch my Patreon page, dedicated to pin-up art, something I've always loved and created, regardless what else I've been busy with.

While you're at it, keep up with all the latest news on our blog or subscribe and get our emails! The email newsletter has a comic strip I write and illustrate that is exclusive to the newsletter. It’s also not just a bunch of “hey support this, buy that” nonsense - 90% of it is my best attempt to write silly and/or thoughtful stuff about, well, almost anything. It’s meant to be fun. I’d love to see you there. That’s truly where you’ll get the most up to date information.
